Saturday, July 28, 2012

          Different Issues in the Environment 

                               By:Marissa Villarias

           Environmental issues are the negative and harmful impacts of human activities on the biophysical environment.

           Problems regarding the environment are not only affecting our land but also our seas. This means that people doesn't have any care for our nature. The practice of dumping our wastes anywhere is not good for the environment and also for us. Our world is seemed to be dying because we, people, are doing nothing but to ruin it. Instead of preserving our surroundings, we tend to do what will make us satisfied. The product of our being careless and unconscious to the environment is what we are experiencing now


           • Climate change is an important and lasting modification in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. Climate change is sometimes used to describe human specific impacts. The term as opposed to changes that may have resulted as part of the Earth’s natural processes

         •Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. Warming of the climate is the primary caused by rising concentrations of greenhouse gasses produced by human-activities such as deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels.

         •Slash-and-burn system is an agricultural method which involves cutting of trees and burning of forest or woodlands to create fields. The people who are living in the rural areas is sometimes the ones who are involved in this particular technique.

         •Illegal logging is an awful way of extraction without any permission or from a protected area: the cutting of protected species; or the extraction of trees for human purposes. Illegal logging is a major problem, causing enormous damage to forests. Forest provides us a shelter, buffer to filter water and to hold soil in place. But some people are destroying it mainly trade and to make industrial products for humans benefit.

         •Ocean dumping is the improper disposal of wastes at sea. Many people who live in some places that is near from sea or other bodies of water are fond of throwing their garbage at the seashore. This practice is a serious threat to fishes, seabirds and in other marine species.

          •Dynamite fishing is a certain way of collecting or catching fishes for human necessities. This type of collecting fishes is not advisable to do, because it hurts not only the target but also the other marine organisms, including corals and coral reefs.

          •Over population is usually an undesirable condition wherein the people living in a certain place exceed the carrying capacity of its habitat. The term often refers to the connection or relationship between the human population and its environment. This problem may result from an increase in the number of birth rates and depletion of resources in an environment. 

             Can these environmental issues be stopped before it’s too late? Our world would be nothing but shadows and sorrows if we will not make any move to preserve and to protect our environment. For all environmentalists, this is really a very sad world to live in. So many environmental issues and problems, and so little solutions offered by our government leaders. We should be conscious about the happenings in the environment and make any move to be able to live in a world of peacefulness, happiness and live with love for nature. Our mother Earth could be anything but happy with the fact that the future of our planet lies in the hands of humans. 
We were meant to be the protectors of our planet and not to end up as ones who destroyed it.

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