Saturday, July 28, 2012

           Before reading watch this video first:

In the recent days, we are all aware of the essential prevention regarding the destructive environmental problems for throughout the world we have seen it's impacts and effects. Some of us concluded that it must truly be eradicated. Many of us proved that we must turn a productive mind regarding this. All of us realized that we must start to react and act against those problems. There is still time for us to eliminate those environmental dilemma. Here are some of the precautionary actions we must do in order to wipe those can of worms out:

  • No Smoking policy must exist. We humans should stop using cigarettes for it emit smokes that contaminates the air making it polluted.
  • Support the E-jeep(Electric Jeepney) program. Aside from saving money it also lessen the production of smoke in highways.
  • Instead of using vehicles as a use of transportation, why not prefer to walk, run, jog or ride in a bicycle. With this eco-friendly practice, you will not only prevent air pollution but also making your self healthier and physically fit.
  • Never burn plastics. It also increases the production of smokes in the atmosphere.
  • Always remember the 3'rs ( Reduce, Reuse and Recycle ). It enhances or improves the system of disposing wastes.
  • Use the dried leaves in your yard as fertilizers. Aside from cleaning your garden you can also increase the growth of your plants.
  • Prefer to choose the biodegradable materials instead of plastics which are made of highly toxic substances that may affect our health.
  • Say yes to Clean and Green program. Plant more trees and put indoor plants in your homes. Plants clean the air, provide us oxygen and beautifies our surrounding. 
  • Never use the river, seas and pools as garbage cans. It may annihilate the living fishes and other aquatic species.
  • Industries should monitor their air emission regularly and take measures to ensure compliance with the prescribed emission standards.

   Those are just some of the prevention against environmental issues. We must always remember that our hands are powerful. We are the only one that could make a change. Lets shoo-in our future, move now !

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