Friday, July 27, 2012


                                                         BY: Gilgan Guirjen JR. 

                      .Plants       .Air          .Water

            Plants,Air and Water that's all  are important in our Nature.They are all can be seen in our environment.For me that three substances are the ingredients to create a wonderful nature.First is plants,the source of food,Second is air, the source of life and lastly is water which is the essential of life.Environment is the external conditions and surroundings.It is where that we can see in our world.Our environment is important but what are the important things in our nature?Lets read about our nature......

            Plants is the most important because without it there's no life .Plants are the source of food.Plants is the only living organism that can make their own food.Just think if there's no plants,there will be no foods,air and life or for short our earth became lifeless therefore Plants are important in our environment.

           Our Environment is full of life it is composed of two elements the air and water.If plants are the source of food then air is the source of life.All living things need air because air has oxygen and oxygen is the one that we've breath.Air is the mixture of invisible gasses surrounding the earth,and it is the atmosphere of our earth.Air is important but people don't protecting it so our air became polluted and they call it Air Pollution.Air Pollution is the release into the atmosphere of gasses,finely divided solids ,or finely dispersed liquid aerosols at rates that exceed the capacity of the atmosphere to dissipate them or to dispose of the through incorporation into the biosphere.Example's Dust Storms in desert areas and Smoke from Forest and Grass Fires contribute to particulate and Chemical Air Pollution.

             Volcanic activity is the major natural source of air pollution,pouring huge amounts of ash and toxic fumes into the atmosphere.Air pollution may affect humans directly,causing irritation of the eyes or coughing.More indirectly,its effects can be measured far from the sources,as for example'the fallout of tetraethyl lead from automobile exhausts,which has been observed in the oceans and on the Greenland Ice Sheet.Still less direct are possible effects on global climates.

            Water is the universal solvent of the world.It is also important in our environment .if plants is the source of food and air is the source of life then water is the essential of life.water is also important in human being because human drink water when they felt thirsty.Just imagine if there's no water in one week what will happen?You felt thirsty and die.Just a three day you will if you are not drinking water therefore water is important in our environment.Water also can be polluted which is   Water Pollution.Water Pollution occurs when substances are released into a body of water,where they became dissolved or suspended or deposited on the bottom,accumulating to the extent that they overwhelm the body of water's capacity to absorb,breakdown ,or recycle them,and thus interfere with the functioning of Aquatic Ecosystem.

            As humans,the environment of the earth is our home.It is where we live,breath,eat and raise our children.Our intire support system is dependent on the well-being of all of the species living on earth.this is commonly referred to as the BIOSPHERE ,a term created by Vladimir Vernadsky,a russian scientist in the 1920's.The Biosphere refers to one global ecological system in which all living things are interdependent.With in the overall biosphere,or ecosystem.There are smaller ecosystem like the rainforests,marine ecosystem,the desertand the tundra.When any of these systems are offkilter it impacts the intire planet.All of the environmental problems that exist have far-reaching implications to the health of our planet and its inhabitants so that it is good to be an eco-savers and its more fun with our environment.....

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