Saturday, August 4, 2012


                                                  by:Gilgan Guirjen

                  37 degree's celcious is the average heat of our body.It is important to maintain the temperature of our body or else your body get an under and over temperature.that can also happened in our world.If you will not maintain the average heat of our world.Our wold have also a temperature but if an island is an over temperature it is called URBAN HEAT ISLANDS (UHI).

                    An urban heat island (UHI) is a metropolitan area which is indicative warmer than its surrounding rural areas.The phenomenon was first considered and defined by Luke Howard in the 1819s,although he was not the one to specify to phenomenon.The temperature departure usually is larger at at night than during the day,and is most discernible when winds are weak seasonally,UHI can be seen during both summer and winter.The main reason of the urban heat island is qualification of the land surface by urban development which uses materials which effectively retain heat.Waste heat generated by energy usage is a collateral contributor.As the population center grows,it aims to expand its area, and increase in the average temperature. The lesser-used term heat island refers to the area, populated or not, which is consistently hotter than the surrounding area.

                      Monthly rainfall is bigger downwind of cities, partially due to the UHI. Increases of heat within urban centers increases the length of growing seasons, and decreases to the occurrence of weak tornadoes. The UHI decreases the air quality by increasing the production of pollutants such as ozone, and decreases the amount of water quality as warmer waters flow into area streams, which stresses their ecosystems.


There are several reason of an urban heat island (UHI). The principal causes for the nighttime warming is that buildings block surface heat from radiating into the relatively coll night sky. The other reasons are changes in the thermal properties of the surface materials and lack of evapotranspiration  in urban areas. Materials are commonly used in urban areas for pavement and roofs, like the concrete and asphalt, have indicative different thermal bulk properties  and surface radiative properties  than the surrounding rural areas. This are causes a change in the energy balance of the urban area, often leading to the higher temperatures than surrounding rural areas.

Other impacts on weather and climate

Aside from the effect on temperature, UHIs can produce a secondary effects on local meteorology, including the altering of the local wind patterns, the development of the clouds and fog, thehumidity, and the rates of precipitation. The extra heat provided by the UHI conduct to greater upward motion, which can actuate additional shower and thunderstorm activity. In addition, the UHI creates during the day a local low pressure area where relatively moist air from its rural surroundings converges and possibly leading to more favorable conditions for cloud formation.

                                                    URBAN HEAT ISLANDS(UHI)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Climate  Change                                                                                       

1.Global Warming

2.Fossil Fuels

3.Sea Level Rise             

4.Greenhouse Gas             

5.Urban Heat Islands

           Before reading watch this video first:

In the recent days, we are all aware of the essential prevention regarding the destructive environmental problems for throughout the world we have seen it's impacts and effects. Some of us concluded that it must truly be eradicated. Many of us proved that we must turn a productive mind regarding this. All of us realized that we must start to react and act against those problems. There is still time for us to eliminate those environmental dilemma. Here are some of the precautionary actions we must do in order to wipe those can of worms out:

  • No Smoking policy must exist. We humans should stop using cigarettes for it emit smokes that contaminates the air making it polluted.
  • Support the E-jeep(Electric Jeepney) program. Aside from saving money it also lessen the production of smoke in highways.
  • Instead of using vehicles as a use of transportation, why not prefer to walk, run, jog or ride in a bicycle. With this eco-friendly practice, you will not only prevent air pollution but also making your self healthier and physically fit.
  • Never burn plastics. It also increases the production of smokes in the atmosphere.
  • Always remember the 3'rs ( Reduce, Reuse and Recycle ). It enhances or improves the system of disposing wastes.
  • Use the dried leaves in your yard as fertilizers. Aside from cleaning your garden you can also increase the growth of your plants.
  • Prefer to choose the biodegradable materials instead of plastics which are made of highly toxic substances that may affect our health.
  • Say yes to Clean and Green program. Plant more trees and put indoor plants in your homes. Plants clean the air, provide us oxygen and beautifies our surrounding. 
  • Never use the river, seas and pools as garbage cans. It may annihilate the living fishes and other aquatic species.
  • Industries should monitor their air emission regularly and take measures to ensure compliance with the prescribed emission standards.

   Those are just some of the prevention against environmental issues. We must always remember that our hands are powerful. We are the only one that could make a change. Lets shoo-in our future, move now !

          Different Issues in the Environment 

                               By:Marissa Villarias

           Environmental issues are the negative and harmful impacts of human activities on the biophysical environment.

           Problems regarding the environment are not only affecting our land but also our seas. This means that people doesn't have any care for our nature. The practice of dumping our wastes anywhere is not good for the environment and also for us. Our world is seemed to be dying because we, people, are doing nothing but to ruin it. Instead of preserving our surroundings, we tend to do what will make us satisfied. The product of our being careless and unconscious to the environment is what we are experiencing now


           • Climate change is an important and lasting modification in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. Climate change is sometimes used to describe human specific impacts. The term as opposed to changes that may have resulted as part of the Earth’s natural processes

         •Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. Warming of the climate is the primary caused by rising concentrations of greenhouse gasses produced by human-activities such as deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels.

         •Slash-and-burn system is an agricultural method which involves cutting of trees and burning of forest or woodlands to create fields. The people who are living in the rural areas is sometimes the ones who are involved in this particular technique.

         •Illegal logging is an awful way of extraction without any permission or from a protected area: the cutting of protected species; or the extraction of trees for human purposes. Illegal logging is a major problem, causing enormous damage to forests. Forest provides us a shelter, buffer to filter water and to hold soil in place. But some people are destroying it mainly trade and to make industrial products for humans benefit.

         •Ocean dumping is the improper disposal of wastes at sea. Many people who live in some places that is near from sea or other bodies of water are fond of throwing their garbage at the seashore. This practice is a serious threat to fishes, seabirds and in other marine species.

          •Dynamite fishing is a certain way of collecting or catching fishes for human necessities. This type of collecting fishes is not advisable to do, because it hurts not only the target but also the other marine organisms, including corals and coral reefs.

          •Over population is usually an undesirable condition wherein the people living in a certain place exceed the carrying capacity of its habitat. The term often refers to the connection or relationship between the human population and its environment. This problem may result from an increase in the number of birth rates and depletion of resources in an environment. 

             Can these environmental issues be stopped before it’s too late? Our world would be nothing but shadows and sorrows if we will not make any move to preserve and to protect our environment. For all environmentalists, this is really a very sad world to live in. So many environmental issues and problems, and so little solutions offered by our government leaders. We should be conscious about the happenings in the environment and make any move to be able to live in a world of peacefulness, happiness and live with love for nature. Our mother Earth could be anything but happy with the fact that the future of our planet lies in the hands of humans. 
We were meant to be the protectors of our planet and not to end up as ones who destroyed it.

Friday, July 27, 2012


                                                         BY: Gilgan Guirjen JR. 

                      .Plants       .Air          .Water

            Plants,Air and Water that's all  are important in our Nature.They are all can be seen in our environment.For me that three substances are the ingredients to create a wonderful nature.First is plants,the source of food,Second is air, the source of life and lastly is water which is the essential of life.Environment is the external conditions and surroundings.It is where that we can see in our world.Our environment is important but what are the important things in our nature?Lets read about our nature......

            Plants is the most important because without it there's no life .Plants are the source of food.Plants is the only living organism that can make their own food.Just think if there's no plants,there will be no foods,air and life or for short our earth became lifeless therefore Plants are important in our environment.

           Our Environment is full of life it is composed of two elements the air and water.If plants are the source of food then air is the source of life.All living things need air because air has oxygen and oxygen is the one that we've breath.Air is the mixture of invisible gasses surrounding the earth,and it is the atmosphere of our earth.Air is important but people don't protecting it so our air became polluted and they call it Air Pollution.Air Pollution is the release into the atmosphere of gasses,finely divided solids ,or finely dispersed liquid aerosols at rates that exceed the capacity of the atmosphere to dissipate them or to dispose of the through incorporation into the biosphere.Example's Dust Storms in desert areas and Smoke from Forest and Grass Fires contribute to particulate and Chemical Air Pollution.

             Volcanic activity is the major natural source of air pollution,pouring huge amounts of ash and toxic fumes into the atmosphere.Air pollution may affect humans directly,causing irritation of the eyes or coughing.More indirectly,its effects can be measured far from the sources,as for example'the fallout of tetraethyl lead from automobile exhausts,which has been observed in the oceans and on the Greenland Ice Sheet.Still less direct are possible effects on global climates.

            Water is the universal solvent of the world.It is also important in our environment .if plants is the source of food and air is the source of life then water is the essential of life.water is also important in human being because human drink water when they felt thirsty.Just imagine if there's no water in one week what will happen?You felt thirsty and die.Just a three day you will if you are not drinking water therefore water is important in our environment.Water also can be polluted which is   Water Pollution.Water Pollution occurs when substances are released into a body of water,where they became dissolved or suspended or deposited on the bottom,accumulating to the extent that they overwhelm the body of water's capacity to absorb,breakdown ,or recycle them,and thus interfere with the functioning of Aquatic Ecosystem.

            As humans,the environment of the earth is our home.It is where we live,breath,eat and raise our children.Our intire support system is dependent on the well-being of all of the species living on earth.this is commonly referred to as the BIOSPHERE ,a term created by Vladimir Vernadsky,a russian scientist in the 1920's.The Biosphere refers to one global ecological system in which all living things are interdependent.With in the overall biosphere,or ecosystem.There are smaller ecosystem like the rainforests,marine ecosystem,the desertand the tundra.When any of these systems are offkilter it impacts the intire planet.All of the environmental problems that exist have far-reaching implications to the health of our planet and its inhabitants so that it is good to be an eco-savers and its more fun with our environment.....

The Boisphere

                                                      Environmental Issues

Thursday, July 26, 2012

                                                                 Climate Change